Saturday, March 13, 2010

6-28-56 Moving Day and 7-5-56 Rabbit Dance

We are moving today from Pgh. to Cleveland by way of our vacation (St. Louis, Barrington & camping in Canada). I'm waiting for the van now - sitting on the back step in the morning sunshine - it's a grand day & gives a perfect last look at this place we've called home for 2 years. The sky is such an intense cloudless blue the oak & chestnut trees are such a rich, deep green, almost black against the brilliant blue - they are in their summer fullness - the wind rustles them & rounds the sides against which it blows - the multitude of cherries on the two trees by the old black house are a beautifully vivid spark.

The sun is bright against my lids & very warm against my skin. I've been sitting here enjoying the things late sleepers miss - such a magnitude of life can be witnessed on the small square of pavement at my feet - in this small space, in this short span of time I've seen several kinds & sizes of flies, ants, a grey-armored doodle bug, a tiny (young?) cricket, bronze wigglers, and a minute red spider, round with 3 or 4 legs on either side, scurrying like the wind, smaller than the head of a pin.


Last night I saw a thing that put a sheen on everything for me. I was putting up the blind before getting late into bed & I saw this wonderful spectacle taking place on the street, driveway and lawn of a house down the hill. (now 7-5-56). Two rabbits of good full-grown size were performing - whether in courtship or just play, I don't know - but they would face each other about a foot or two apart, hop lightly in small arcs then one would make a playful lunge, and the other would hop straight up all of 2 feet or more & land on the same spot & they would circle some more. I'm afraid I failed to notice whether or not it was the same rabbit that jumped each time but this went on for about 10 minutes, then one became more interested in nibbling on the grass the other followed suit - this they did, moving gradually out of my sight & off to bed I went.

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