Friday, March 19, 2010

Interior Design 84

Original art by Alice Nelson McCoy
Prepared for her Interior Design class at Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Circa 1950

Saturday, March 13, 2010


3-21-49 Alice Nelson - Like a Flower

like a flower that you've seen - implanted in dry parched earth - by looking at it you can almost see it yearning, longing, devising, stretching, & straining for moisture - for the drops of the warm spring rain or for the simplest gentle morning dew - you can see it begging for the moisture that it knows it must have, that it should have, that it was meant to have - just so do I need & yearn for love - the warmth of a hand-clasp - the heaviness, softness of a kiss - the strength which comes from desiring fulfilling desire -----

the invulnerability which comes from being wanted & needed -----

my love has been like a flower whose desire to live - to continue to bloom under a warm sunlight & gentle moonlight - to absorb endlessly the life-giving caressing rain - to share its substance with the honeybee so as to be part in substance of each other blossom on God's earth - whose desire for these things has not allowed it to surrender - kept it from surrendering to the merciless heat of midsummer's day, to the cruel, crushing, beat of torrential rains, to the creeping bite of sudden frost - whose desire has given it the strength to spring back full of hope & faith for more sunrays, more moisture, more of the same -----

over & over this happens - each time the flower seemingly asks for more - refusing to give up to the forces until one day .......... the first signs appear - a little less, fervent desire for the sun's heat - caring not quite so much if its petals sparkle or not - & so at last it wills complete surrender only when it feels the tug on its root-strings, the tapping of its stem-stream of life-giving materials, indicating the birth of a new bud bursting forth, eager for the wonder of a new search for life, for love - beginning the cycle of desiring & fulfilling all over again.

3-21-49 Alice Nelson - Random

scuddling purple clouds - heavy & ponderous - poisonous looking.

the rain water trickled along the center of the alley - the rough bricks beneath made the water cris-cross as it ambled slowly - like a woven band - carefree casually rolling around obstacles - small piles of wet decaying leaves - tattered scraps of cloth, black & spotted with dirt & time.

soaked milk pods - swollen with rain - spongy but empty - felt each in among the wet, tangled vines - found one yet bursting with & bearing its tightly packed seedlings (?) - put it in pocket to save till a warm sunlit dry day when the light, winged fluffs would be free to drift & float on invisible breezes -----

black, coarse, soaked, rough, loose bark of the common sycamores - all the stronger more solid & more determined for their wetness - one among them spotted with colors like purposefully camoflaged - like a lovely water color - each muted, earth tone, melting into the next - all golds, browns, ambers, russets - dappled -----

the dittering & rattling of several abandoned leaves still clinging (desperately) (indifferently) to their ------- suited high up above the rain gutters ----- my mood - alone & forgotten by the wind & earth & all -----

"rain puddle-mirror"
glistening streets
the banded sky

the naked, sweet briar bushes - each black soaked twig & branchlet strung with rain drops - gracefully posed - each impatient for a lover breeze to give it gentle encouragement to take independent flight - in brief ecstasy before joining its infinite kin deep in the spongy - saturated - rejuvenated earth ----- against the pearl grey twilight clouds, each black twig was like a fine strand of jet set with priceless diamonds & emeralds -----
emeralds = embryonic leaves - budding so boisterously - so defenseless yet so unafraid & so infinitely sweet & tender ----- each a translucent glowing young green - exhuding & inspiring eternal hope & harmony -----

have you ever looked deeply & long into a rain puddle-mirroring a stout sycamore - making it appear ever so much more powerful & ----- wind-swayed limbs create a dizzying effect - appears to be devil-like - reaching downward - growing away from heaven - each black branch like a horny hand clawing & grasping -----

March 14, 1949 Alice Nelson - Etc.

----- My love has thrived because it was planted, it took root, & it blossomed under his care, his warmth & his love - it had become sturdy and strong when neglect & disinterest became its fate - too sturdy & too strong to allow itself to be killed by this frost, this change of manner - like a zinnia or a hardy weed it continues to grow - perhaps not to grow, but to simply exist - waiting, yearning, hungry for the return of spring like some dormant or hibernating thing having a great will to live on, in spite of present discomfort - however, if this is to be an eternal winter, my love will forever preserve its present state until perhaps another spring, another kiss shall reawaken it to its hidden lustre & lushness -----


----- the one great defect in the mechanism of man is his absolute inability to control the strength and determine the destination of his heart waves -----


----- I hate myself for continuing to love so wholeheartedly someone who cares so very little for me - where's my pride - where's my ambition -----


May 6, 1946 Free Writing

Nelson, Alice

As I watched, the irregular puffs of frothy vapor which were scattered about the graying sky became faintly tinged with gold. The last finger-like rays of the sun groped about, peeking through pale, translucent leaves. Seedpods from budding maples spun and swirled to earth with a rustle. Carefree sparrows, waving and soaring far above the slender poplars, were but specks silhouetted against the vast blue sky. A shiver rippled along my body; the shadowed earth felt chilled and damp beneath my bare feet; the sun had passed below the line of trees, leaving me in the silence and solitude of dusk.

(I wrote this last night after taking a walk around the block.)

7-10-1956 Lighthouse