Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 14, 1949 Alice Nelson - Etc.

----- My love has thrived because it was planted, it took root, & it blossomed under his care, his warmth & his love - it had become sturdy and strong when neglect & disinterest became its fate - too sturdy & too strong to allow itself to be killed by this frost, this change of manner - like a zinnia or a hardy weed it continues to grow - perhaps not to grow, but to simply exist - waiting, yearning, hungry for the return of spring like some dormant or hibernating thing having a great will to live on, in spite of present discomfort - however, if this is to be an eternal winter, my love will forever preserve its present state until perhaps another spring, another kiss shall reawaken it to its hidden lustre & lushness -----


----- the one great defect in the mechanism of man is his absolute inability to control the strength and determine the destination of his heart waves -----


----- I hate myself for continuing to love so wholeheartedly someone who cares so very little for me - where's my pride - where's my ambition -----


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