Sunday, December 27, 2009

Undated - Whoever Makes A Garden

Whoever makes a garden
Has never worked alone;
The rain has always found it,
The sun has always known.
The wind has blown across it
And helped to scatter seeds -
Whoever makes a garden
Has all the help he needs.

Whoever makes a garden
Has, oh, so many friends!
The glory of the morning,
The dew, and fertile sod!
And he who makes a garden
Works hand-in-hand with God.

- Douglas Malloch

This is the poem in its entirety:

Who Makes a Garden
Douglas Malloch (1877 - 1938)

Whoever makes a garden
Has never worked alone;
The rain has always found it,
The sun has always known;
The wind has blown across it
And helped to scatter seeds;
Whoever makes a garden
has all the help he needs.

Whoever makes a garden
Should surely not complain,
With someone like the sunshine
And someone like the rain
And someone like the breezes
To aid him in his toil
And someone like the Father
Who gave the garden soil.

Whoever makes a garden
Has, oh, so many friends;
The glory of the morning
The dew when daylight ends.
For rain and wind and sunshine
And dew and fertile sod;
And he who makes a garden
Works hand in hand with God.

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