Sunday, December 13, 2009

June 16, 1954 - Bought Ice & Left

- Left Mother's at 4:45 - bought ice & left at 5:00 going out 40-61 - full moon, pale orange low in a grey blue sky - evening star still visible - mist over every unwooded area & on highway - most times when I have done something fulfilling, the moon has been full along with me -

- 1:20 Standard Time - we finally were able to get some classical music on the radio - Debussey's Prelude to Afternoon of a Falen P Stravinsky's Petrouchka - the heavy clouds of earlier had gone leaving the sky purely brilliant and the land vivid in the sunlight - there were great squares of chartreuse, yellow, red gold, & shades of green - the bright yellow arose from the small flowers of the _______ which grew along the roadsides in scattered clumps & in whole fields - the red fold of the wheat was present in all shades - (this morning the sky was all pink, blue & lavendar while the earth contrasted in a multitude of shades of green brown) --- ---

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