Thursday, December 24, 2009

June 5, 1955 - Leaving Swarthmore

Driving home from a nice weekend such as this has been - along the turnpike in the pleasant dusk - thru the Penn countryside - the car rushing thru the air - fast & easy - soothing music on the radio heard over the wind - I feel so elated after so much excitement - meeting & talking to many pleasant people, intelligent people, attractive people - eating well - hearing a fine address by Paul H. Douglas - welcoming Wilson home from his wide travels & hearing his interesting accounts of exciting places & fascinating people - feeling I looked attractive - and my solitary memorable walk & happy visit with the squirrels (in the 1865 birch (?) tree at Clothier Memorial Chapel) early Sunday morning before anyone else was in sight about the campus - all these things made me feel warm & exhilirated as we headed home - & I had to remind myself to remain on the ground when I felt my self becoming mentally airborne - that is something I've learned to be more relistic - take what has passed for what it is worth, profit by that & advance with what I've gained.

The bell tower of the chapel narrowed, stretching its warm stone tones toward the sky.

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