Monday, January 11, 2010

Copied From Notes - 10-22-55

Copied from notes made on the spot in Shenandoah National Park - 10-22-55

the day was so rich, golden & shiny - more than the human soul can bear - must peel off & absorb only a small nugget at a time - it was the good music we got on the radio that triggered off this flood of inspiration - was food & drink to me - from which I could subsist for weeks -

(on our hike) the grey rocks were splotched with dark green & turquoise lichen giving the whole jumble the effect of mottled jade.

gap = a mountain pass, cleft or ravine

hollow = surface depression, a channel, basin or valley

knoll = a little round hill, a mound

ridge = a range of hills or mountains

sedges = a genus of grasslike * cyperaceous plants, often growing in dense tufts in marchy places
* distinguished from the grasses by having achenes and solid stems

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