Sunday, January 10, 2010

December 28, 1962 - Such Heights

I thot of very little but him during the concert - my thots swelled and quieted as did the music - I felt he was (and still may be) the sunshine and warmth of my life, the blossom the fragrance, the sweetness and brightness, all the clarity and hope that was present in my life; he was to me as the sun-dappled forest floor, as the moon and star-silvered rippling waters - without him my life was drab & shapeless - steadier perhaps but oh, so colorless. Oh, God, I thot as I remembered the walk thru autumn-sunny fields, kisses in the brisk fall air, in warm sun & cold wind - I thot of walks along the lake with his arm around my waist, of being held tight against his tallness, strength & love flowing from each to the other. He was all the light there could be - he reached out his hand to touch me and his touch gilded me - I shone & sparkled through his power. Is he to be ever gone from my air and my space - am I to be ever more empty of his sweet presence? Oh, God, we reached such heights; we reached such heights as some will never see, we gave each other moments of such simple, quite pleasure - such pure sparkling essence of love & life as cannot be allowed to be continuous or long lasting - we must come down once more to soil our feet on reality's earth. He gave me such a precious gift - I cannot tell its value for it will enrich me all the days of my life. I thank all the world for it, and for him, the love of my life.

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