Friday, February 26, 2010

10-12-55 Huston Smith

I want to remember here some things Huston Smith mentioned on his Hindu (?) program of the Religions of Man TV series. He said that the Yogas compare the restlessness of the mind of man - first with a monkey in a cage - but that is not quite restless enough - they add that it is like a drunk monkey in a cage and then must go still further & give this drunk monkey in a cage a case of St. Vitus' Dance - but this conception is still short of the mark and they achieve the desired comparison only when they say the mind of man is as restless as a drunk monkey in a cage with St. Vitus' Dance who has just been stung by a hornet! And he said, they strive to learn and do learn through their various body positions, to concentrate completely and absolutely on whatever idea they wish as long as they wish. Their minds will stick to an idea as a lump of dough thrown at a certain spot will stick until, and only until, they wish to remove it. What a treasure that talent would be!

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