Monday, February 1, 2010

12-12-55 Upon seeing "Sleeping Beauty"

Upon seeing Sleeping Beauty performed on TV by The Sadler Wells Ballet

Seeing all this beauty rekindled for me the intense love, loyalty & admiration I have felt toward ballet ever since my introduction to it. Warm tears welled in my eyes - I could not hold them back anymore than I could repress the smile that came to my lips. I wished that I were Margot Fonteyn at that moment - that I could be one with the music, the color, the movement as she was. It seemed to me that all the color, the vibrancy, the whole of life was there, then, on my television screen. I feel that I have all the inner qualities necessary to perform as she did - but I surely lack the outer courage & confidence - I longed to be as free, as joyous, as lilting & as sculptured - my arms ached to arch above my head in glorification of the music - my feet twitched to point and prance - I envied them all their freedom from inhibition - their pride in their talent, their awareness of their beauty & artistry. This is all true - it is not imagined or dreamed - nor wishful thinking - I have often felt & do feel these things most sincerely.

The Ballet is my favorite art form - it embodies to me the sum of the essences of music, form - the dance, and art - the costumes & scenery - simple or extravagant.

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