Wednesday, February 10, 2010

8-17-55 Not a Cat's Meow

I heard the strangest sound last night. We were reading in the living room while the radio played softly & pleasantly. All at once I heard or thought I heard a sound over & beyond the music - I listened intently, trying to separate the sound & identify it - from where I sat, it sounded like it might be the small white & black cat that stayed around the barn, like the small, plaintive cry of a lonely cat but when I went on to the screened porch I heard it distinctly & it was not a cat's meow - it was a sad, mournful & eerie cry - I motioned to Bob to come & hear for himself - it could only be the call of some bird, completely foreign & fascinating to my ears - it reminded me of what I had read of the call & habits of the poor-me-one bird of Columbia, Panama and tropical America - it had the same sound of some desolate human being, crying out in sorrow & anguish - was the same type of call - a series of notes, six or so, starting high and falling with each note - it gave me the strangest sensation, not a little uncomfortable-

would that I knew someone who knew about such things & with whom I could discuss such experiences & who could teach me & tell me the things I'm so interested in knowing.

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