Monday, February 1, 2010

4-10-56 Just Now

Walking up the road just now had the nice kind of feeling a yawn has. I guess it was the stretchcing of my legs as I walked up the hill with the cool breeze at my back and the warmth of the sun on my face - it was a small beginning to the awakening I spoke of - there were at last tangible green buds on the trees - I could have kissed them - at long last - I wonder if this is just another false beginning - I walked thru the bare open woods to the edge of the neighboring nursery & looked down at 51 curving up to the shopping center, at the cars, small from my standpoint, manuvering for position - it felt unspeakably good to be high, alone, among the trees looking out & down at such activity - good to be up so high - I think I must always live on a hill - not to look down on things in the common sense, but so as to be removed from them, distant from them, closer to wind, and sun & birds --

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