Wednesday, February 10, 2010

August 15, 1955 - Toadstool

I just found at my feet a toadstool - I don't know the difference between the edible mushroom & its inedible cousin, but I mean to learn it someday - the specimen I just examined has a feathery underside of a pale, pale pink covered by a mottled creamy white dome.

I'm sitting here at the top of the hill behind the Hartman farm - my company consists of the two dogs (our favored Betty & the H.'s elderly scottie, slow, serene and in awe of the boxer) and the sights and sounds about me - I hear the distant barking of another's dog, the far off rumble of a plane, the nearer sound of a multitude of insects, humming & buzzing & plaguing me, the steady hum of the locusts in the trees all about me, the occasional crow of a neighbor's rooster, and the panting of the dogs at my feet.

The sights I see include Queen Anne's Lace & Goldenrod in abundance, dark-centered yellow daisies, lavender clover, wild strawberry plants scattered all amongst the tangle of low growth - the grapes on the vines behind me are hard, green, silvery clusters - the sumac leaves already have brilliant tips of red & a black butterfly with spots of white & stripe of blue is balanced on a thistle bloom.

Across the valley on the opposite ridge I see farms & fields, pastures & woods, rich greens constrasting with browns of plowed fields & locust tree leaves dying early from the dryness of the summer. The heat of the day is heavy on the dogs, on me & the landscape - the sky patches between the great masses of grey & blinding white cloud, hazy with heat - - - later the sky cleared itself onlyto be blanketed with a single rolling rain cloud which dropped an insignificant portion of its contents and rolled along clearing the sky behind it.

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