Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hold the Sun Still

Earlier I had the urge to throw up my arm & hold the sun still in the sky to keep her there above me, to halt her glide across the vault of blue. And just now I have made the same mistake again of anciently feeling it is the sun that marches instead of the earth that turns. I know the earth turns, I feel the sun marches.

This blog is where we stop time and hold Alice Nelson McCoy, still. Though she is no longer living, her words and writings are here. Until today, they were in a box, still and quiet. I'm tempted to identify her, what she was to me, or what she wanted to be, but instead, I'll let her reveal her own self through her writings.

The title of the blog will be the date of her writing and while I originally wanted to blog them on the same month/day they were written, I find her journals are in no particular order, so I'll just post them as I wander through the pages.

ANMc - I love you, still!

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