Thursday, September 24, 2009

November 29, 1969

It's very strange but I am living over minute by minute last weekend - the happiest time of my life - 28 1/2 hours that may never top. If what I now feel for G.L.W. is love & I do believe it is, it is the first time for me, for he is that beautiful happy medium I have thot was impossible to find. He is the loveliest, most beautiful human being I have ever known so closely. I do love him and if I were not so sad at not having received a letter from him today I would smile at the classicness of it all. I am suffering from the pangs of loving a man who belongs to another, who lives 359 miles away, who can be mine for only the very briefest of periods at infrequent intervals. and yet somehow it is worth it. But I can hardly believe the exact way my feelings fit into the classic description of the lot of the other woman. But yet it is somehow worth it.

I can wait.

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