Saturday, September 26, 2009

Memorial Day, 1970 - Part 5

I was out earlier w/my 2 blessed creatures - the kitten made brave attempts to explore but always rushed back to me to hide under my knees or snuggle against my legs. The wind ruffled, furrowed & flowed through her long soft hair. She sniffed & tested the new cool wind & struck out to follow it tho, at no great distance, turned around to assure herself of my presence & concern. Her confidence ran out & she raced back to me pouncing on high bouncing hops over the new spring greens as tho she were as light as down which, in fact, she almost seems to be.

In expression she closely resembles an owl, a resemblance I noticed early tho did not clearly identify for a day or 2. Her owl-like appearance seems to stem from the mottled coloring of her face as though made up of overlapping tawny feathers thru which her wide round golden eyes peer, perked by the same sort of upright pointed ears (or ear-like extensions?) as on some owls' heads. Also because of her long hair she is able to turn her head thru quite a large arc without seemingly needing to move her shoulders or aught else the way owls are seen to do.

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