Thursday, September 24, 2009

May 26, 1970 - Part 2

I am the mother of a son. I have a child and I am a mother. My child is a male child, a son, and so I am the mother of a son, a blessed thing to be. I know not how other mothers feel about their sons. I only know there is no state of being in my life so important and so precious as my motherhood, no facet of my life so full of sheen and glow as my son and his own being. To see him grow and develop is truly a daily miracle. I say not that he is superior to other sons. I do not know for sure whether he is or not, but I surely do know every day of life with him, near him, is a time of being part of a miracle, a wonder, a suprise, a joy - the miracle of develoment, the wonder of growing awareness, the surprise of individual response, the joy of sharing and loving and experiencing.

As a mother I am right & I am wrong. I have given him and I have deprived him. I have deprived him by my own being of strength, of confidence, and of a sturdy exterior. I have given him by that same being a sensitivity, an enjoyment, a love of animals, of weather, of woods & hills & distant views, an inherent kindness, gentleness, liberalism, a soft interior.

How shall we be rated - he & I - as human beings - what value have we?

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