Thursday, September 24, 2009

November 20, 1969

Oh, Antoine de Saint Exupery, where are you now? What made you decide that time to go? Why did you leave us? Leave me? What beauties you denied us when you left us behind. Why, where, how did you go? You left your sky and became part of your sea - but it was my sky, too, by inheritance and by love - tho not by friendship and familiarity as it was with you - but mine ever so truly - and my sea, too, that holds you now - no, holds you not now - no space can hold you now - you are too much for that - you are the words you wrote & left behind - words read & thought & repeated &, as "thought" is, you are immortal, beautifully, immortally young & magnificent. I love you.

Note: Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry (29 June 1900—31 July 1944) was a French writer and aviator. He is best remembered for his novella The Little Prince, and for his books about aviation adventures, including Night Flight and Wind, Sand and Stars.

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