Thursday, October 8, 2009

Christmas 1971 - What Once You Were

What once you were
Oh, be again.

Come back to me as once you were.
All I ever had was you.
You were everything to me.
Whole, as clouds are whole,
You were clearly my answer.
You were everything I needed.
I loved you so:
Autumn woods
As winter winds and summer wiles,
As spring is sweet & undefiled you were to me.
But now it's changed & all is gone.
Time & the world of men have done their work
made their mark
You are a different you
And I am different, too.
Your weak response to life leaves me without anchor
I hang in space & float myself, no arm in sight
I tried to call - you were not there
And never are, as never were
And I see things I missed before.
I see things now

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