Thursday, October 8, 2009

November 28, 1971 - Replete With Loneliness

Another Sunday replete with loneliness. I am steeped in it - it pounds in on me from all sides with a quiet that hurts. Light snow is falling and my whole world is hushed beyond forebearance. The puppy naps & I cannot yet get myself to dig into the work that needs to be done. It is as tho I cannot get out from under the weight that presses in on me. It bespeaks great flaws in my character that despite the friendly activity of yesterday I should still feel so put upon & so out of it today.

But yesterday morning early when I was out with the 2 romping dogs it was good to be here, there, wherever. The early sunlight still came from behind the houses to the east, striking windows & housefronts on my side of the street, with a soft golden glow that cast its sun shadows of us in the fresh snow behind us, a srange & luminous pink-gold phenomena.

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