Tuesday, October 13, 2009

May 20, 1972 - Why I Can't Forget Him

(I haven't loved anyone except Ron in a very long time & that's why I can't forget him. When I feel love or loving I think of him and his sweetness his deepness and his thought-full-ness & his unhappiness and his misery and I love him and miss him all over again and I remember - oh, how I remember the pure joy I felt as he'd call each afternoon at work & I'd know as I drove home that he would soon be there - I would soon see him, be with him, within touching distance of him - he would be there within my life, part of my life - my love would have a place, a home - I would not be alone - my life was full of him - I loved & loving him, the world was beautiful! One day driving home to him, at an intersection a large truck passed across with the other light. The driver looked directly at me, smiled & waved as he drove through the light, by & past me & I smiled & waved back, so full of living & loving & sharing I could have burst. And now I drive home, alone, dry, hopeless, sad & without plan or place. I hate it and I cry. I cry "Oh, Ron" - I have not been happy since.)

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