Thursday, October 8, 2009

November 22, 1971 - Looking & Listening

(Anniversary of Jack Kennedy's death.)

Some thots = last night & this morning - the grass was crisp & crunchy with frost, full with random sparkles. Kaila is still spooky - any sound out of the quiet will alarm her, distract her from her duties & concentration. She swings around & stands very still, looking & listening. She weight in today - 10 weeks - at 16 pounds, a 5 lb. gain in 2 weeks. And tonight, just now, I took her out into the winter's first real snow. It is not flakes - but tiny round bits that rattle as they strike roof & tree & ground - they gleam in the light & accumulate & Kaila was so turned on she frolicked in circles - she ran & spun & gamboled & horsed around & truly seemed at home & in her own metier - as tho she knew very well this was her thing, her place. She runs so funny, her hind legs pound up & down simultaneously, her knees bent outward, passing the front legs as she gained speed, looking so much like a jack rabbit.

The night, the light thru my draperies with light off is noticeably brighter. I like it, the freshness, the clean coolness, the new covering the whole immediate world is receiving tonight.

Note: metier - a field of work or other activity in which one has special ability or training; forte.

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