Thursday, October 1, 2009

May 29, 1971 - I Am Back

I am back, this Memorial Day weekend of 1971. Doug is with me this year and this year it is a fine day. Blue sky paled by stripes of sheer clouds, sun shining hugely white, light diffused by the cloud veil. There is a wind from the SE pushing the mottled green water ahead of it until each ridge collapses upon itself in a following white splash. Doug is enlarging a miniature bay in a rock pool nearby so his Hong Kong speedboat can find a safe harbor from the wind - wind that blows his nylon windbreaker flat to his body contours and swings his hair around to suit itself. Gulls bank & swoop overhead.

There are prettier places I could be in but being in this place makes it the prettiest place & the best - lovely water, light - air world - pale blue, green natural world a match for anything.

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