Sunday, October 11, 2009

February 12, 1972 - I Love

I love and that is the only thing that matters - that there is somewhere, someone, whom I love - he does not love me but that does not matter. What matters is that there is existing in this world, somewhere, near or in Rochester, Mn, someone = in this case a dark good-looking, slim young man - whom I love with all my being - my whole self. And that somehow in some way is the answer = I love & so I am whole. I am complete, compleat as they used to say.

Oh, Ruth, somehow you came to me & I cried to know the space you left is already filled. There is no way the space you left in my heart can be filled but in the world as it functions, shallow & immediate, there is no way it can be held open. Jane has filled it & so be it. But I love you still - you are golden & open & light & full of love & color & bright & promise & I love you, too - still & always ----

Hank had remarried ---

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