Sunday, October 25, 2009

June 13, 1972 - I Wish I Were A Bush Pilot.

I wish I were a bush pilot. This would combine flying with desloate country and work with animals - three loves - almost too much to bear. I'm watching a Nat'l Geog. program on the Arctic Tundra - a country I love through my reading. Oh, how I love those men who devote their lives to this kind of work - studying & saving our vanishing valuables. This is why I wish I were a man. These men are most likely of no lasting use to a woman - any single woman - but - or, rather, so, I would rather be one than have one or count on one. And now the Julie London show - the other end of the scale, the spectrum - the ridiculous following the sublime. But what else is there to fill my void? I should be as beautiful, as talented, successful & wealthy as she is but I would rather, I swear to whatever gods there be, be a bush pilot!

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