Sunday, October 25, 2009

June 13, 1972 - Return

"Our" maple tree has returned to us - has proved itself. Censpah has not let us down. It has triumphed again over winter and an unbelievable mauling by a determined and large and voracious pup. Kalia chewed Doug's young maple into a mutilated, split and crippled mess of ugly dead stems and I did absolutely despair for it. I loved the dog & missed her, but resented her ruining of this meaningful, growing thing. I had give it up but Doug saw it first & carefully watered, before I even noticed, one new brave sprout coming up on its own from the soil among its stunted brethren. And today it gives me joy. That single stem has leafed & branched out into a beautiful and precious life of tender green and rosy leaves, giving me, when I am awake and absorbent to it, faith and hope.

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