Thursday, October 8, 2009

November 7, 1971 - The Pup

Today a precious moment - at the Arboretum - about 3:30 p.m. - with Chalet & the pup - cold but clear & bright.

First, about the pup. We've had her 2 weeks plus a few days. She was born September 13, 1971 and was just short of 6 weeks old when we selected her from the remaining pups in the litter. There had been 9 pups - four were black & white and four were buff. The black & whites were gone and of the 4 buff pups we picked a female that looked smaller than the others.

She's asleep at my feet now, curled up between the legs of the gateleg table in the kitchen. I'm home today and surprised to find her quieter & sleeping more during the day than in the evenings. Perhaps that is a habit created by her being alone from 8 to 3 while Doug and I are at school & work.

At first Kaila seemed afraid of everything - she clung to me & snuggled up under my neck - was not as playful as a pup is expected to be but, of course, that changed. She weighed in at 11 lbs. at her 1st vet's visit yesterday when she received her temporary puppy distemper shot. She seems fine in all ways. Her coat is softer and more cushiony than any puppy I've known. The undercoat is there, thick & full, & the longer guard hairs, which Dr. Kolata feels may turn to some silver, are stll soft themselves.

I have been out with Kaila at all hours of the day & night & somehow have never minded. Tho often very tired and sometimes almost still asleep I've managed to notice the recent full moon in its fullness & in its waning. The nights have been so bright & starry. The clarity of the air & the whole night scene has been startling. One time we were out together very late or very early and Kaila was spooked by my shadow. It was cast long & large by the bright corner light & as I moved, it moved & Kaila jumped! She was startled again by a dry leaf the wind rustled toward her but curiosity won out and she picked up the leaf in her mouth & moved to carry it inside wih her. She is still scared by sudden noises as when car doors slam or someone shouts & she'll run up the stairs & stand by the safety of the door. Going upstairs took her while to master & only yesterday did she find the courage to come down Doug's stairs. she does not seem to mind cold, frost or snow, of which there has been very little, only a powdered sugaring.

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